OSCE PA Special Representative on Human Trafficking Chris Smith (United States) addresses meeting on combating human trafficking, Minsk, 6 July 2017. Photo: Belarus House of RepresentativesCOPENHAGEN, 21 December 2017 – The OSCE concluded its annual meeting of the Foreign Ministers of 57 OSCE participating States on 8 December by adopting a Ministerial Decision on combatting child trafficking – modeled on OSCE Parliamentary Assembly resolutions adopted in 2016 and 2017, authored by OSCE PA Special Representative on Human Trafficking Issues Chris Smith (United States).
Entitled “Strengthening Efforts to Combat All Forms of Child Trafficking, Including for Sexual Exploitation, as well as Other Forms of Sexual Exploitation of Children,” the decision provides practical steps for OSCE countries to protect children from traveling sex offenders, and from misuse of the internet for child trafficking and other sexual exploitation.
“Traveling sex offenders rely on secrecy and anonymity to commit crimes against children; the new decision will deter the sexual exploitation of children at home and abroad, and aid in the prosecution of child sex traffickers,” said Smith, who also serves as Co-Chairman of the U.S. Helsinki Commission.
The decision calls on each of the OSCE participating States to keep a register of individuals who have committed sex offenses against a child, and to share that information with the law enforcement in destination countries, which would give the United States warning of foreign sex offenders entering U.S. borders. The decision also calls on OSCE participating States to enact extra-territorial jurisdiction in order to “prosecute their citizens for serious sexual crimes against children, even if these crimes are committed in another country.”
“Some believe the laws of a destination country allow sexual exploitation of a child, or rely on the fact that the judicial system in the destination country is weak,” Smith continued. “The Ministerial Decision underscores the universal human rights of the child to be protected from sexual exploitation and calls for participating States to put all abusers on notice—they will be prosecuted when they return home.”
In addition, the Ministerial Decision echoes the Parliamentary Assembly resolutions by calling for accountability of those who misuse the Internet to knowingly or recklessly facilitate access to children for sexual exploitation or child trafficking – such as by advertising children on websites – highlighting that such individuals should be prosecuted as traffickers.
“With this binding decision, the foreign ministries of the 57 OSCE participating States stand united with the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly to protect children from trafficking and other sexual exploitation across the OSCE region,” said Smith.
Smith first raised the issue of human trafficking at the 1999 OSCE PA Annual Session in St. Petersburg, the first time it appeared on the OSCE agenda. Since then, he has introduced or cosponsored a supplementary item and/or amendments on trafficking at each Annual Session of the OSCE PA, including on issues such as sex tourism prevention, training of the transportation sector in victim identification and reporting, corporate responsibility for trafficking in supply chains, and special protections for vulnerable populations.
In addition to authoring the 2016 International Megan’s Law to Prevent Child Exploitation and Other Sexual Crimes through Advanced Notification of Traveling Sex Offenders, he authored the landmark U.S. Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 and its 2003 and 2005 reauthorizations. Chairman Smith co-chairs the United States Congressional Human Trafficking Caucus.
For more on the work of Special Representative Smith, please click here.