OSCE PA President urges dialogue and restraint following recent developments in Spain

Muttonen Standing Committee041017Christine Muttonen addressing the OSCE PA Standing Committee, Andorra, 4 Oct. 2017 (Photo: Consell General)ANDORRA LA VELLA, 4 October 2017 – Following discussion in the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly’s Standing Committee of Heads of Delegations today related to the situation in Spain, Austrian parliamentarian Christine Muttonen, President of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, issued the following statement:

“We have all followed the recent events in Catalonia with some concern. With a number of people injured following clashes on Sunday, I urge constructive dialogue and respect for the rule of law by all in Spain. Differences must be resolved through political dialogue, and I fully trust that Spain’s democratic institutions can provide this opportunity. Respect for the rule of law and fundamental democratic and human rights principles must apply to all, and so I also urge all the authorities to use due restraint and proportionality when enforcing the law.”

The OSCE Parliamentary Assembly is meeting this week in Andorra for its 16th Autumn Meeting. For more information about the Autumn Meeting, please click here.



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