Photo credit: Government Offices of Sweden / osce.org
STOCKHOLM, 2 December 2021 – As tensions are building up across the OSCE region, there is an urgent need to de-escalate and promote greater solidarity and unity, OSCE Parliamentary Assembly President Margareta Cederfelt said at the opening of the 28th Ministerial Council today. She highlighted that despite the many challenges it faces, the OSCE remains a valuable instrument to create the conditions for dialogue and co-operation.OSCE PA President Margareta Cederfelt at the opening of the OSCE Ministerial Council, Stockholm, 2 December 2021, Credit: Government Offices of Sweden / osce.org
Addressing the opening session, the PA President stressed that although, despite its best efforts, the OSCE did not fully deliver on its promise stemming from the Helsinki Final Act or the Charter of Paris and these collective failures must be acknowledged, it is not a failure of the OSCE as a concept. “These failures are only a symptom. Deep down, they reveal a lack of mutual trust, mutual understanding, and political will,” said Cederfelt.
By finally meeting in person after two years, she urged the Ministers to consider each other’s point of view and to continue building partnerships to improve the way the OSCE operates and responds to our common challenges.
She stressed that the organization finds itself in a unique position when women lead both the executive and the parliamentary dimensions of the OSCE at the same time. “Together with Secretary General Schmid leading the OSCE Secretariat, I find it encouraging that more women finally have a seat at this table,” said the President. She urged to continue fighting for the full, equal, and meaningful participation of women in the OSCE and in all peace processes across the region.
The President also expressed her frustration that the Human Dimension Implementation Meeting could not be held this year and called on Ministers to prevent a permanent crisis of the OSCE’s human dimension.
Noting the life-changing work that OSCE field operations conduct every day, the President stressed that the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly remains a strong supporter of the OSCE’s work on the ground, where it is most needed. She especially highlighted the activities of the Special Monitoring Mission in Ukraine. “As our eyes and ears on the ground, the SMM is an essential tool for impartial and factual monitoring and reporting,” said Cederfelt. “In this context, I am especially alarmed that the activities of the Special Monitoring Mission in Ukraine continue to be impeded.”
Pointing to many challenges directly facing OSCE countries, Cederfelt noted her deep concern for the degradation of the situation in Afghanistan. “Taliban rule is a direct threat to the lives and livelihoods of women, of minorities, and of anyone who disagrees.” In furtherance of true commitment to collective security, she urged the ministers to work towards greater international solidarity and shared responsibility to avoid a disaster.
In conclusion she reassured the Council that the Parliamentary Assembly will continue to generate the political support necessary for the OSCE to reach its full potential. “Despite all the constraints of the pandemic, we have remained strong advocates of the OSCE delivering as a whole.”
“We will continue to support principles-based dialogue. We will continue to build trust and respect,” added the President.
For the President's full remarks at today's Ministerial Council meeting, please click here.
Photos of the OSCE PA’s participation in Stockholm are available on Flickr.
For more information on the Ministerial Council, please visit www.osce.org