20 октября 2017
Stephane Crusniere addresses counter-terrorism seminar in Rabat, 20 Oct. 2017 RABAT, 20 October 2017 – A delegation from the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly is concluding a two-day visit to Morocco today, having met with religious leaders, participated in a seminar on countering violent extremism in the OSCE region, and held a series of meetings with parliamentary and government leaders in the Moroccan capital. Speaking at a seminar today on the
19 октября 2017
OSCE PA President Christine Muttonen addresses the OSCE Permanent Council, 19 Oct. 2017. (OSCE PA/Marc Carillet) VIENNA, 19 October 2017 – Speaking at the OSCE Permanent Council in Vienna today, OSCE Parliamentary Assembly President Christine Muttonen (MP, Austria) stressed the importance of strengthening dialogue and co-operation between OSCE parliamentarians and the OSCE’s governmental representatives. She urged all OSCE institutions to work
Azay Guliyev and Artur Gerasymov observing at a polling station in Bishkek, 15 Oct. 2017 BISHKEK, 16 October 2017 – The 15 October presidential election in Kyrgyzstan contributed to the strengthening of democratic institutions by providing for an orderly transfer of power from one elected president to another, the international observers concluded in a preliminary statement released today . The election was competitive, as voters had a broad
14 октября 2017
OSCE Special Co-ordinator Azay Guliyev opens briefings with parliamentary colleagues in Bishkek, 13 Oct. 2017 BISHKEK, 14 October 2017 - The international observers monitoring the presidential election in Kyrgyzstan will present their preliminary post-election statement at a news conference on Monday, 16 October in Bishkek. The international observation mission is a common endeavour involving the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and
Azay Guliyev and Artur Gerasymov Внизу вы найдтете переводы данного рилиза на русском и кыргызском языках. BISHKEK, 14 October 2017 – Leaders of the international election observation mission to the Kyrgyzstani presidential election will be available at a Bishkek polling station on election day for interviews and photo opportunities. Journalists can meet Azerbaijani parliamentarian Azay Guliyev, who has been appointed as Special Co-ordinator of
10 октября 2017
OSCE PA Ad Hoc Committee on Migration meeting in Andorra, 4 Oct. 2017 COPENHAGEN, 10 October 2017 – Recognizing the difficulties facing policymakers on issues related to migrants and refugees, the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly’s Ad Hoc Committee on Migration today offered a set of observations and recommendations based on its work over the past year and a half. In a 60-page report distributed to the speakers of parliaments and foreign ministers
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