Ignacio Sanchez Amor in Copenhagen, 11 April 2016 COPENHAGEN, 4 November 2016 – In response to measures taken by the Turkish authorities following the attempted coup in July, Ignacio Sanchez Amor (MP, Spain), Chair of the OSCE PA human rights committee, today called on authorities to uphold the rule of law in the country. “First of all, let me express my sincere condolences to the families of victims of recent terrorist attacks in the country –
02 ноября 2016
COPENHAGEN, 2 November 2016 – Ilkka Kanerva, OSCE PA President Emeritus and Special Coordinator of the OSCE’s short term observers of the recent Russian elections, delivered an address today at the OSCE/ODIHR seminar on election observation and follow up of recommendations, underlining the importance of elections in maintaining and developing a democratic society, particularly given growing disillusionment with established political norms. “One
Special Co-ordinator Arta Dade and Head of OSCE PA delegation Geir Joergen Bekkevold observing in Chisinau, 30 Oct. 2016 CHISINAU, 31 October 2016 – The first round of Moldova’s first direct presidential election in 20 years provided ample opportunity for voters to express their preference for a new head of state. Fundamental freedoms were respected. The campaign was competitive, though marred by widespread abuse of state resources, biased
31 октября 2016
Special Co-ordinator Ignacio Sanchez Amor delivering the post-election statement from the first round of Georgian elections, 9 October 2016. TBILISI, 31 October 2016 – The 30 October parliamentary run-offs in Georgia were competitive and administered in a manner that respected the rights of candidates and voters, and voting on election day was assessed positively, although issues remain related to lacking a legal framework for second round
27 октября 2016
Christine Muttonen (third from left) addresses the OSCE Permanent Council in Vienna, 27 October 2016 VIENNA, 27 October 2016 – Urging governments of the OSCE area to enhance the level of international co-operation to reverse a deteriorating security environment, OSCE Parliamentary Assembly President Christine Muttonen (MP, Austria) called in Vienna today for more constructive dialogue and confidence-building. In Muttonen’s first address to the
Margareta Cederfelt and Azay Guliyev observing on election day, 16 October 2016. PODGORICA, 17 October 2016 – Montenegro’s 16 October parliamentary elections were held in a competitive environment and fundamental freedoms were generally respected in a campaign characterized by a lack of distinct domestic policy alternatives and permeated by personal attacks, international observers said in a statement issued today . While pluralistic, the media
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