PODGORICA, 14 October 2016 – The international observers monitoring the parliamentary elections in Montenegro will present their preliminary post-election statement at a news conference on Monday, 17 October, in Podgorica. The mission is a joint undertaking of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (OSCE/ODIHR), the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly (OSCE PA), and the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE). The
Special Co-ordinator Ignacio Sanchez Amor, with Head of OSCE PA delegation Guglielmo Picchi, delivers post-election statement in Tbilisi, 9 Oct. 2016 TBILISI, 9 October 2016 – The 8 October parliamentary elections in Georgia were competitive, well-administered and fundamental freedoms were generally respected. The otherwise calm and open campaign atmosphere was, however, impacted by allegations of unlawful campaigning and some incidents of
05 октября 2016
Roberto Montella, Ignacio Sanchez Amor and Guglielmo Picchi meet with Georgian Prime Minister Giorgi Kvirikashvili, Tbilisi, 5 Oct. 2016 TBILISI, 5 October 2016 – Leading members of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly’s election observation mission to the 8 October parliamentary elections in Georgia arrived today in Tbilisi for final preparations of the observation mission. Ignacio Sanchez Amor (MP, Spain), who has been appointed by OSCE
02 октября 2016
SKOPJE, 2 October 2016 – The refugee and migrant crisis and the potential of the OSCE and its parliamentarians to help mitigate the situation were the focus of debate today during the final session of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly’s Autumn Meeting. Under the theme of “Improving Human Rights-Based Governance of International Migration,” dozens of parliamentarians exchanged ideas on political responses and underlined their role in building
30 сентября 2016
SKOPJE, 30 September 2016 – The OSCE Parliamentary Assembly’s 2016 Autumn Meeting, bringing together some 170 parliamentarians from across the OSCE’s 57 participating States, opened today in Skopje with addresses by OSCE PA President Christine Muttonen and host officials. President Muttonen offered remarks stressing the parliamentary conference’s theme of “Strengthening Confidence-Building Measures and Good Governance in the OSCE Region,” and
COPENHAGEN, 26 September, 2016 – Guglielmo Picchi (MP, Italy), Head of the OSCE PA observer mission to the 8 October parliamentary elections in Georgia, today issued the following statement: “Two days ago upon leaving Tbilisi I said that everyone we met welcomed the strong atmospheric change since the 2012 elections. One political party has since raised concerns and has objected to my characterisation of our meetings, reminding of the concerns
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