29 июня 2013
ISTANBUL, 29 June 2013 – The Standing Committee of the Parliamentary Assembly has approved 24 items for debate during the Annual Session ranging from the humanitarian crisis in Syria to freedom of religion in the OSCE region to climate change to intercountry adoption. In this morning's debate four items were rejected after the committee's consideration. The agenda for the session is now set as follows: Plenary: five supplementary items
28 июня 2013
OSCE PA Communications Director Neil Simon greets Montenegrin Head of Delegation Ranko Krivokapic as he arrives at the conference center. ISTANBUL, 28 June 2013 – The stage is set at Istanbul's Lutfi Kirdar International Convention and Exhibition Center and parliamentarians and staff are starting to arrive for the 22nd Annual Session of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly. More than 260 parliamentarians from across the OSCE's 57 countries are
KOPENHAG, 27 Haziran 2013 ( ENG | FRE | RUS )- Rusya'nın dışardan finanse edilmiş sivil toplum örgütlerinin yabancı kurum olarak kayıt altına alınacağına ilişkin yasasından hemen sonra ilk oylama oturumunda AGIT Parlamenter Asamblesi bu yasanın değişimini amaçlayan bir karar tasarısını önüne koyacak. Ingrid de Caluwé'in (Hollanda) sunduğu ve Rus otoritelerini sivil toplum örgütleri (STK) ile yapıcı bir dialoğa girmeye ve geçtiğimiz Kasım ayında
27 июня 2013
КОПЕНГАГЕН, 27 июня 2013 ( ENG | FRE | TR ) – В ходе первого голосования с момента принятия в России закона, обязывающего общественные организации, которые получают иностранное финансирование, зарегистрироваться в качестве иностранных агентов, ПА ОБСЕ рассмотрит в этом месяце резолюцию, направленную на изменение российского закона. Ингрид де Калюве (Нидерланды) представила резолюцию, соавторами которой стали 25 парламентариев из 13 стран, в
27 июня 2013
COPENHAGUE, 27 juin 2013 ( ENG | RUS | TR ) – Ce mois-ci, au cours de sa première séance de vote depuis que la Russie a adopté une loi exigeant des organisations de la société civile qui reçoivent des fonds étrangers qu'elles s'enregistrent comme agents étrangers, l'Assemblée parlementaire de l'OSCE examinera une résolution visant à modifier la loi russe. Ingrid de Caluwe (Pays-Bas) a présenté la résolution conjointement avec 25 parlementaires
27 июня 2013
COPENHAGEN, 27 June 2013 ( FRE | RUS | TR )– In its first voting session since Russia adopted a law requiring civil society organizations who receive foreign funding to register as foreign agents, the OSCE PA will consider this month a resolution aimed at changing the Russian law. Ingrid de Caluwé (Netherlands) has introduced the resolution, co-sponsored by 25 parliamentarians from 13 different countries, which urges Russian authorities to
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