Migliori and Oliver meet with Duma Chairman Naryshkin, and Kovalev, Head of the Russian Delegation to the OSCE PA. COPENHAGEN, 19 November 2012 – OSCE Parliamentary Assembly President Riccardo Migliori was in Moscow last week for his first presidential visit to the Russian Federation. President Migliori, fresh from a trip to the United States, where he held meetings with National Security Council officials, stressed the importance of balancing
WASHINGTON, 8 November 2012 -- The 6 November 2012 elections in the United States were yet another demonstration of the country's commitment to democracy, international observers from the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly reported in a statement released today in Washington. After a generally peaceful but highly polarized campaign, voters were given a genuine opportunity to make an informed choice. Nonetheless, the unprecedented and often negative
06 ноября 2012
WASHINGTON, 6 November 2012 -- The OSCE has concluded its election day observation activity across several key states in the United States where voters cast ballots in today's general election. Joao Soares (Portugal), the Special Co-ordinator appointed to lead the OSCE observers, will deliver the observation statement on behalf of the OSCE at the official OSCE news conference, which takes place Thursday at The Johns Hopkins University School
KHARKIV, Ukraine, 30 October 2012 ( Русский ) – Vice-President of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly Walburga Habsburg Douglas (MP, Sweden) and OSCE PA human rights committee chair Matteo Mecacci (MP, Italy) today were denied access to a previously approved meeting with former Ukrainian Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko at a hospital in Kharkiv. Habsburg Douglas had intended to hand-deliver a copy of the preliminary statement from the international
30 октября 2012
ROME, 30 October 2012 – OSCE Parliamentary Assembly President Riccardo Migliori addressed today the 2012 Mediterranean Conference in Rome, sharing his vision of how the partnership between the OSCE and the Mediterranean Partner States can be more effective. He reminded participants that after the Arab Spring and amid the ongoing economic and a humanitarian crisis, those who believe in the OSCE model must work for it. Pointing out that state
30 октября 2012
Харьков, Украина, 30 октября 2012 ( English ) – Сегодня в 13:00 должна была состояться встреча с Тимошенко, организованная при содействии украинских властей, однако перед самым прибытием в госпиталь делегации сообщили о невозможности проведения встречи в связи с голодовкой, объявленной Тимошенко. Встреча была организована при содействии украинских властей по просьбе Тимошенко, отбывающей семилетний тюремный срок. В понедельник Тимошенко
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