15 марта 2013
COPENHAGEN, 15 March 2013 ( Deutsch ) – Wolfgang Grossruck, a Member of the Austrian Parliament, today became the acting president of OSCE Parliamentary Assembly. Grossruck, as the Assembly's most senior vice-president, fills a vacancy created by President Riccardo Migliori's departure from the Italian Parliament. Grossruck will serve as acting president through 3 July 2013, the end of the Assembly's Annual Session. First elected vice-president
OSCE PA President Migliori meets with President of Mongolia Tsakhia Elbegdorj. ULANBATAAR, Mongolia, 13 March 2013 – Mongolia, the OSCE's newest participating State, has made admirable progress but should remain vigilant about sustaining its environmental resources, President Riccardo Migliori said today after a day of meetings in the capital Ulanbataar. Migliori is the first president of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly to visit Mongolia, which
08 марта 2013
COPENHAGEN, 8 March 2013 – Marking International Women's Day, senior members of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly today called on the OSCE and its participating States to do more to combat discrimination and promote gender equality. Isabel Santos (Portugal), the Vice-Chair of the OSCE PA's Committee on Democracy, Human Rights and Humanitarian Questions said, "Today we look at the tragically disproportionate representation of women in our
23 февраля 2013
Stimme Russlands 23 February 2013 Die Parlamentsmitglieder der Teilnehmerstaaten der Organisation für Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit in Europa (OSZE PV) treffen sich in Wien zu ihrer 12. Wintertagung. Medienfreiheit, Sicherheits-und Friedenspolitik werden im Rahmen der 12. Wintertagung der Organisation für Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit in Europa (OSZE) diskutiert. In Wien findet die Parlamentarische Versammlung der Organisation statt. Die drei
VIENNA, 22 February 2013 – OSCE Parliamentary Assembly President Riccardo Migliori today announced a committee of parliamentarians headed by Francois-Xavier de Donnea (MP, Belgium) will have the mandate to negotiate on behalf of the Assembly with the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights regarding improved co-operation in future election observation missions. The OSCE PA Ad Hoc Committee on Transparency and Reform will meet
Security forces, border co-operation, media freedom and situations in Syria, Mali and North Africa on the agenda OSCE PA President Riccardo Migliori opens the Winter Meeting in Vienna on 21 February 2013. VIENNA, 21 February 2013 – The OSCE Parliamentary Assembly's 12th Winter Meeting opened today in Vienna with a call for remembering the OSCE's roots in tackling the challenges of the future. "Whether we are debating changes to our security
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