05 марта 2012
New York Times 5 March 2012 MOSCOW — European election observers issued a harsh critique of the Russian presidential election on Monday, saying that Prime Minister Vladimir V. Putin's victory was preordained and unfair, because of overwhelming bias in the television media and the use of government money and resources in support of his campaign. Mr. Putin, who has already served eight years as president and four years as prime minister, won a
KYIV, 5 March 2012 – Walburga Habsburg Douglas, vice-president of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe Parliamentary Assembly and member of Swedish parliament, today was denied access to visit former Ukrainian prime minster Yulia Tymoshenko, who remains in prison. Habsburg Douglas is the third OSCE PA parliamentarian in as many weeks to have her request to visit Tymoshenko denied. Habsburg Douglas and Asa Lindestam of the
Tonino Picula at the post-election press conference in Moscow, 5 March 2012. MOSCOW, 5 March 2012 – Although candidates in yesterday's presidential election in the Russian Federation were able to campaign unhindered, conditions were clearly skewed in favour of one of the contestants, current Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, the international observers concluded in a statement issued today. "There were serious problems from the very start of this
04 марта 2012
CBS News 4 March 2012 (CBS/AP) MOSCOW - Vladimir Putin scored a decisive victory in Russia's presidential election Sunday to return to the Kremlin and extend his hold on power for six more years. His eyes brimming with tears, he defiantly proclaimed to a sea of supporters that they had triumphed over opponents intent on "destroying Russia's statehood and usurping power." Putin's win was never in doubt as many across the vast country still see
28 февраля 2012
COPENHAGEN, 28 February 2012 – President Petros Efthymiou has announced that the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe Parliamentary Assembly will observe the Russian presidential election on 4 March. Efthymiou, who led the observation mission to Russian Duma elections in December, made the decision after a discussion with heads of national delegations at the Assembly's Winter Meeting. He nominated Vice-President Tonino Picula
24 февраля 2012
COPENHAGEN, 24 Febuary 2012 – President Petros Efthymiou today issued the following statement on Syria with consent of the Joint Session of the Assembly's three General Committees: "As President of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, I deeply regret the violence and loss of life in Syria. As OSCE participating States and partners for co-operation have expressed their concern about the current situation, I call for a full respect of human rights
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